Where is my Inner Power?

Take deep breath. Imagine now there is a bubble around you. A huge clear bubble, making the space a few feet around you reserved exclusively for you. This is your private space. Your bubble is very large. If you open your arms out, you will still have plenty of space inside. As you stand in your bubble, look up. The top of your bubble is quite high; you cannot touch it with your fingertips. Now have a good look inside of your bubble. There should be plenty of space to put a few things in. Think about things and people in your life that make you feel good. Think of all the things in your life that make you feel powerful. (pause 3 sec) Now choose one object that makes you feel good. It can be anything that reminds you of how good you are at something. Really try to feel this. Remember how good this makes you feel. Then choose one object that might remind you and symbolise that feeling. (pause 2 sec) Now put that object and that feeling into your bubble. Now think of another empowering situation, activity or a thing if there is one. Think of what object or feeling might symbolise that and put that amazing symbol in your bubble as well. Think about a place or places which make you feel good. Imagine yourself
there. Now imagine you can see that place any time you want from your bubble. Think about a specific activity you enjoy doing. Something that makes time fly by, something you wish you could do as often as possible. Recall the feeling of it when you are doing this. Record and leave all of it in your lovely, vibrant bubble. (pause 3 sec) Gently, gently focus on your feet again. Remember you are sitting on the log. In your mind, stand up and walk back to the forest. Focus on your bare feet on the forest floor, feel the cool bed of leaves touching your toes and your heels. (pause 3 sec) Now gently and slowly bring your awareness to this room. Feel your feet on the ground. Feel your roots deep in the ground. As you keep focus on your feet, bring your awareness to this room now fully. Become aware of the chair under your body. Listen for the sounds around you. Bring your mind back to your feet. Where are they? Can you feel them? Gently wiggle your toes. Feel the full sensation of the floor beneath your feet. Slightly press them on the floor. Wiggle your fingers and rub your palms. Move your shoulders. Take a deep breath. When you are ready slowly open your eyes, first looking down then up and up until you are looking straight ahead. Do this in your own time. When your eyes are open, give yourself a good stretch if at all possible in silence to give others space to do the same in their own time.