#104 Beyond Knowledge
That which is beyond knowledge, beyond grasping, beyond not being, that which is void – contemplate all that to be God. In the end, the birth of enlightenment.Verse 127, Vigyan Bhairava Tantra
There are certain characteristics given to God in this verse. God is beyond knowledge. Our knowledge is limited and based on cause and effect. God is not based on cause and effect. God is supportless and requires no cause or condition to exist.

Beyond grasping.
God is not an object that can be grasped or held. God is like air – free flowing and all pervasive. Beyond not being. God is eternal. God never ceases to exist, never ceases to be. That which is void. Void here means that God is infinite, and not limited to a particular person, or at a particular place. When we use the word “God”, we tend to limit God. We immediately think of some superior person, living in heaven, watching every move of ours. Instead, think of God in terms of a quality, such as love or awareness. Love or awareness is infinite, and is not limited to a particular person.
Practice this as a sitting meditation. Close your eyes, and meditate on God to be all these things – supportless, all pervasive, eternal and infinite. Meditate on God not as a particular person, but as something that has all these qualities. As we do so, we start acquiring those very qualities. As the Bible says, we are made in the image and likeness of God. Because we think of God as limited, as a particular person, we think of ourselves as limited, as a particular person. When we drop these false notions of God, we drop the same false notions about ourselves. Then, we realize our true nature.