#108 Two Realities Within Us
Let the mind go to that which is without support. From the impelling force of this meditation, one attains Peace. Either our ego can exist, or God can exist. There is no room for both.Verse 131, Vigyan Bhairava Tantra

“I am, this is mine, etc.” On the occasion of this assertion, There is room only for one. To realize our divine nature, we have to get rid of our. ego When we empty ourselves of our ego, we realize that we are filled with God. But first we have to remove our outer covering, our ego. Then, we see the treasure hidden within. I am, this is mine, etc.” On the occasion of this assertion, let the mind go to that which is without support. You will notice two realities within you. One is your mind that keeps on chattering or thinking inside. This is your ego. It is unreal. The second is the witness. You can observe yourself thinking. You can also observe external events. Who is this observer? This observer is your soul. It is the part of God that is within you. This witness is God. This is your Real Self. You can try a little experiment now. Normally, you are lost in thought. This is our ego-self thinking. Now observe yourself thinking. See what thoughts arise. Be a witness to these thoughts. Now you have two selves. One is the thinking self (ego), and the other is the witness (God). This verse says that every time your ego asserts itself, let your mind go to that which is without support – let your mind go to the witness in you. Your ego asserts itself by saying, “I am this”, or “I am that”, or “this is mine”. Whenever this happens, be aware or be a witness. Then, you will stop identifying with your ego. You will start identifying with the witness in you. Slowly, slowly, your awareness will grow and your ego will become weaker. One day, your ego will disappear altogether. That is when your Divine Nature will unfold.