#109 Meditating With Universe
Eternal, omnipresent, supportless, all pervasive and Lord of the Entire Universe.” By meditating every moment on these words, in conformity with one’s object, one obtains one’s object.Verse 132, Vigyan Bhairava Tantra
To understand this meditation, one has to first understand the second part of this verse. What does the verse mean when it says that one should meditate every moment on these words in conformity with one’s object? What is one’s object? One’s object is to be liberated, to realize one’s true nature. That is what this entire text is about. If one’s object is to be liberated, then how should one meditate on these words, so that this object is achieved? In what way should one meditate on these words, so that one is liberated? The way to do this is to say “I am” before the first part of this verse. That is, one should believe, “I am eternal, omnipresent, supportless, all pervasive and Lord of the Entire Universe.”

Meditate every moment on these words – “I am eternal , omnipresent, supportless, all pervasive and Lord of the Entire Universe.” The emphasis is on every moment. One has to believe this every moment of the day. It is then that this belief quickly turns into reality. We believe we are the body, and that is why we feel separate. We are actually not our bodies. We are a part of God. We are God. We are eternal, omnipresent, all pervasive as the verse says. This is our true nature. All these qualities, eternal, omnipresent, etc., are qualities of God. And we are not separate from God. That is why we are all these things too. Whatever God is, we are too. Our senses create our beliefs, and our beliefs create our reality. This is a point that needs to be understood. It helps explain this verse and the next, and several other meditations given in this text. Our sense organs give us inaccurate information. They do not show us the full picture. Based on the inaccurate information received from our senses, we form inaccurate beliefs. Our belief create our reality. This is a point discussed in earlier posts. Our inaccurate beliefs show us an inaccurate reality. For example, if we relied only on our senses, we would believe that the sun rotated around the earth, and also that the earth was flat. In fact, both these beliefs were held as truth for many centuries, until we received more information. Then, we changed our belief. We realized that the earth was round, and that it rotated around the sun. Similarly, because of our senses we see our body and think we are the body. We also see the boundary of our bodies and believe that we are separate entities, separate from the rest of life, and separate from God. Both these beliefs are inaccurate. Both these beliefs create our reality, a false reality. We believe we are separate, and therefore, we remain separate. The way to undo all this is to ignore the information received by the senses. Instead, adopt a new belief that runs counter to our sensory perceptions, but gives a true picture of Ultimate Reality. That is what this verse and many of the verses in this text do. They give us new beliefs to adopt that open the door to eternity. These new beliefs turn into reality, and liberate us. It is important to remember this – to reach God, we have to go beyond the information our sense organs give us.