#12 Inner peace within Sushumna Nadi Meditation

#12 Inner peace within Sushumna Nadi Meditation

The central channel located in the middle of the spinal cord has the appearance of the lotus thread. Meditate on its inner space. The Goddess then reveals God.Verse 35, Vigyan Bhairava Tantra

What is the Central Channel?

The central channel is the Sushumna nadi described in Verse 28. It extends from Mooladhara chakra at the perineum, up the center of the spine, to the top of the head. It is as delicate as a lotus thread. Usually it is visualized as a thin, white or translucent tube.

How to do this Technique

  • One has to meditate on Sushumna nadi’s inner space. Start from the base and move slowly upwards. Take your awareness inside this channel, and move up this passageway.
  • Notice the inside wall of this channel as you move upwards .
  • When you reach the top, start again from the base and move upwards.
  • In this practice, it is not necessary to visualize any of the chakras or energy centers located in this channel. One only has to meditate on the inner space of this passageway.

The road to god

  • The central channel is very important in yoga. It is the basis of many meditation techniques.
  • When Kundalini is freed, it rises to the top of the head through the central channel. When it reaches the top of the head, one achieves enlightenment. The central channel is therefore, literally the road to God.
  • It is the path taken by Kundalini, the dormant energy. In this meditation, we are literally treading the path to God. We are moving our awareness up this path, up this channel. We are walking on the road to God.
  • If you walk on the road to God, you reach God. The Goddess then reveals God. The sentence refers to the ascent of Kundalini. By practicing this meditation, by moving our awareness up this channel, Kundalini breaks out from Mooladhara chakra, and rises up the central channel to the top of the head. When this occurs, the Divinity within us is revealed, and we reach our Highest State.

Inner Peace

  • Most of the past few meditations direct our awareness within. That is because God is found within. The external world is temporary. It does not bring us eternal happiness.
  • When we base our happiness on something external, we experience disappointment. That is because all things in the external world are temporary. They all suffer change and pass away. Money, success, sex, or holidays will not bring us lasting happiness. When we go on vacation, we come back relaxed and peaceful. But we do not remain peaceful for the rest of our lives.
  • Something similar also happens when we buy something, such as an expensive car, or a new house. The happiness we experience from the new purchase is temporary. It soon fades away. The Katha Upanishad states this beautifully, when it advises us not to seek the eternal in things that pass away. On the other hand, the joy or happiness we find within is permanent. It is always there. It needs nothing external to exist.
  • When we discover this joy, we find an eternal source of joy. External events no longer trouble us. That is why masters are always calm, even in the face of a calamity. They know that a crisis will also pass. But the joy within will remain with them forever.