#3 Concentrating on the Gap between Breaths 2

#3 Concentrating on the Gap between Breaths 2

At the Center where the breath does not enter or the breath does not go out, all thoughts disappear. The form of Energy becomes visible, and through her the form of GodVerse 26, Vigyan Bhairava Tantra

It is not a separate meditation practice. It is the same meditation that has been given in Verse 24 . It is repeated again for emphasis. This is because it is a very important practice. It is the mind. When we are still, silent, we reach God. At the center, at the gap between two breaths, we are completely still. We are not even breathing. By being aware of that middle state, that stillness, all thoughts disappear. Because our body is completely still at that time, our mind also becomes still. When our mind becomes still, the form of God appears. When we look at a calm, serene lake, our mind automatically becomes more peaceful. The serenity of the lake makes our mind more tranquil. This is why the center or gap between two breaths is so special. In that state, in that moment, our body is completely still. By focusing our mind on that stillness, our mind also becomes still.

  • Do not try and intentionally hold the breath.
  • Allow the body to breathe normally. Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
  • Focus your attention on the breath, and pay complete attention to the gap between two breaths.
  • Try not to miss a single gap. As you do this practice, you will find yourself breathing more slowly, more softly, more gently. This happens automatically, without any effort.
  • The length of your breath may increase.
  • You may now be breathing fewer times per minute.
  • As you become aware of the stillness, the gap between two breaths, the mind becomes more and more still.
  • Fewer thoughts will arise, and you will start feeling more peaceful and joyful.
  • That is what is meant when the verse says the form of Energy becomes visible.

Finally, if the mind is stilled long enough, one reaches the state of enlightenment. These techniques are simple to understand. Do not let the mind fool you into thinking that because they are simple, one will not achieve liberation through them. Truth is always simple; it is never complex. The meditations involving breath may be simple, but they are very, very powerful. That is why they are given first. The Kashmir masters used to emphasize this meditation. The gap between breaths is special. It is a moment of complete stillness. And it is in stillness that we find God. It is in that gap, that stillness that we can more easily reach God.