#53 Colour and Light Union Meditation: Dive into Kashmir Shaivism’s Profound Practice

In the realm of Kashmir Shaivism, profound techniques await those seeking to connect with their True Self. One such practice, articulated in Verse 76, delves into the significance of the center, where the unity beyond duality resides. This meditation focuses on the interplay of colors and light, guiding practitioners towards a profound realization of their innate divinity.

Kashmir Shaivism emphasizes the importance of centering oneself amidst various dualities, be it between breaths, movements, thoughts, or states of consciousness. The center, as revered Kashmir master Kshemaraja proclaimed, is where the divine essence, often referred to as God, unveils itself. It’s within this space that dualities dissolve, paving the way for a direct experience of our true nature.

The meditation begins by directing attention to the convergence point of different colors, where light from sources like the sun, moon, or lamp interacts to create a spectrum of hues. By fixating one’s gaze on this meeting point without blinking, practitioners embark on a journey towards self-realization. Should fatigue arise, a momentary closure of the eyes allows for rejuvenation before resuming the practice.

As one persists in observing the intermingling colors, a transformative moment occurs. The distinct hues momentarily fade, and light, in its purest form, emerges. In this moment of clarity, the mind and ego dissolve, and one reconnects with their authentic essence. Just as light encompasses all colors, the realization dawns that God pervades every form within the universe.

The disappearance of individual colors signifies the transcendence of the ego-bound sense of self, leading to a union with the divine. Through this profound meditation, practitioners dissolve into the unified field of consciousness, realizing their inherent oneness with the cosmos.

Incorporating this meditation into one’s spiritual practice offers a pathway to transcendence and self-discovery. By delving into the realm of color and light, one unveils the timeless wisdom embedded within Kashmir Shaivism, ultimately leading to the realization of our divine nature.

Experience the transformative power of #53 Colour and Light Union Meditation and embark on a journey towards self-realization and spiritual awakening.