#71 Empty Inside Meditation
One should meditate like this – “There is nothing inside me. No mind, intellect, bones, organs, etc.” By this meditation one will abandon all thoughts. By being in a state without thoughts, one will reach God.Verse 94, Vigyan Bhairava Tantra
Nothing Inside Body

Of the earlier meditations had asked us to consider our body, or parts of our body to be empty. This is a variation of those practices. In this meditation, we have to consider that there is nothing inside the body. No mind, intellect, bones, organs, or anything else. This meditation can be practiced as a sitting meditation. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Now imagine that there is nothing inside your body. Your body is just an empty shell, with the skin as the outer covering. Also imagine that the body has no reasoning facility. There is no mind, no thoughts, no intellect. There is nothing. When everything is discarded from your body, you are left with awareness. You are simply aware . One can also practice this meditation throughout the day. Continuously believe that you have nothing inside your body. No mind, no organs, nothing.
Attack on the Ego
This is similar to a practice suggested by mystics, such as Rumi and Harding. They said, believe that you are headless. That you have no head. Here, we have to believe not only that we have no mind, but also nothing else inside our body . The meditation given here directly attacks our ego. The mind and the body are parts of our ego. By imagining that there is no mind and nothing inside our body, we are in effect imagining that there is no ego. Without a mind or a body we cannot say we exist as a separate identity. We are simply consciousness. By this meditation one will abandon all thoughts. By being in a state without thoughts, one will reach God. By imagining we have no mind, we stop our thought processes. When there is no mind, there can be no thoughts. When we remain without thoughts, we reach God.