#86 Changing Belief
God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. Believe firmly, “Have those same qualities of God.” Then, one becomes God.Verse 109, Vigyan Bhairava Tantra
God Our True Nature
We are all a part of God, and God is a part of each of us. God is our true nature. Our ego is our illusory nature. Our ego is limited in terms of knowledge, power, and presence. On the other hand, God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-pervading. In this verse, we break our identification with our ego by changing our beliefs. We are to believe we have the same qualities as God. That we are omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. The verse says to believe firmly. This means to believe continuously, and without wavering. All beliefs turn into reality. How quickly they do so, depends on how deeply ingrained they are. This belief should be maintained throughout the day, with full faith and conviction. Do not allow negative thoughts to settle, and do not let your mind seduce you into thinking that this is impossible. That you cannot be omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Your ego can’t be these things, but it is not impossible for the Real You. The Real You is God. And God has all these qualities.

The best way to firmly incorporate this belief is to practice it. Start with knowledge or omniscience. If you are perplexed or puzzled by something in life, seek the answer by going within. Ask yourself the question, and then give yourself the answer. You may ask .yourself the question at night, and then give yourself the answer in the morning. You may also do so after a shorter duration. You can even give yourself the answer immediately. When you give yourself the answer, you will be surprised at the wisdom you have within. It is then that you will realize that the inner source is omniscient, and that you are in fact omniscient. Use this verse. It has many practical benefits. Ask yourself important questions about life. What job to take, who to marry, how to solve a particular problem. And then use the wisdom within you, to lead you through your life. You can even apply this verse by using omnipotence. Do not try to move a mountain or attempt to lift a car. Even though some masters have shown that they can perform miracles, you. may need to grow substantially in your evolution, before you can make the same claim. Instead, start with something small. Something that may first seem outside your reach. There are several examples of people who overcame severe obstacles to reach a goal in life. They had the strength and the power to carry on, where others gave up. Give yourself a task or goal to achieve which you initially feel may be beyond you. It could something simple like learning a new language, or learning how to change a car tyre. Then set yourself out to achieve your goal and don’t take no for an answer. Do not think of failure, and do not accept failure. You will surprise yourself with your inner strength and abilities, and with how easily you sometimes achieve your goal. You will then come to a wonderful new conclusion about yourself – that there is nothing that is beyond your reach if you set your heart and mind to it. The more you experience the truth about this belief, the quicker it turns into real ity. One becomes more and more omniscient, omnipotent and
omnipresent. Then, one becomes God. When one believes one is God, one becomes God. That is what this verse is doing here. By believing we have the qualities of God, we are in effect believing that we are God. The more we believe we are God, the less we believe we are our ego. As this belief turns into reality, our ego disappears, and we become God.