#90 Bhairavi Mudra
0 Goddess, listen carefully, as I explain the mystic tradition. If one’s eyes are fixed without blinking, unification with the Supreme, will occur immediately.Verse 113, Vigyan Bhairava Tantra

The practice of keeping the eyes fixed without blinking, is called Bhairavi Mudra. It was a secret technique of tantra, possibly because it was very powerful, and produced results in a short period of time. To practice Bhairavi Mudra, one has to fix their eyes without blinking and direct their attention inwards, towards one’s self. In other words, one has to be aware of the self, while the eyes are fixed without blinking. The movement of the eyes is somehow connected to the thought processes. This is something the ancient mystics of India discovered. If you do not move your eyes, you stop thinking. To think, there has to be movement of the eyes. If you stop the movement of the eyes, you stop thinking. Now, the mind needs thoughts to survive. Without thoughts, the mind collapses and disappears. It finally comes under our control. This process can happen very fast. The body needs oxygen to survive. Without oxygen, one can die within a couple of minutes. Thoughts are as vital to the mind, as oxygen is to the body. Without thoughts, the mind falls silent within a few minutes. When you first practice this, your eyes may tire quickly. You may feel the need to close them. When this happens, you can blink, or close your eyes briefly. Then reopen the eyes, and continue with the practice.