Relaxing Wind Chime Sounds
Forty Minutes of relaxing wind chime blowing in the wind, helps sleep if volume is set just right not to loud not to low.
Sacral Chakra Healing Wind Chimes Meditation | Feel Sense of Beauty Within and Around You
Sacral Chakra healing music for meditation or Yoga, it brings the creativity and sexual health.Today we meditate with beautiful, healing 432hz Zaphir Sufi wind chimes and rainstick. Music to restore optimum balance and vitality of our Sacral Chakra (Swaddhisthana). Feel a Sense of Beauty Within and Around You, Flow with Grace and Ease, Sense Your Connection to Your Body and Senses.
FIRE element Wind Chimes Meditation – Balancing the Emotional Energy
Remain calm and peaceful. Let’s work with our Fire element, our emotional side, to balance this strong masculine energy. 432hz the beautiful tonal scale of this Ignis wind chimes has a warm delicacy and cosiness, which I want You all to hear. For some reason this one was most difficult element for me to embrace. Feel the warmth and power of the fire burning inside of us.
Air + Earth Soothing Wind Chimes Meditation 432hz
Where Air meets Earth…. I want to show You the absolutely uniquely soothing combination of two wind chimes Air and Earth element. You will find safety and calm as never before. I discovered that the connection of these two elements opens completely new beautiful hypnotic soundscape, leading to very deep meditation states. Let it resonate with Your inner self and let us know what You feel 🙂 432hz Relax and experience