Mystic Rose Meditation

Mystic Rose Meditation

21 days transformation journey

The Healing Power of Laughter, Tears, and Silence

This 21 Days Healing Journey Includes:

First Week – 7 days:
All the laughter you need to unblock your blockages

Second Week – 7 days:
All the tears you need to further unblock your blockages

Third Week – 7 days:
All the silence you need to go inside yourself

• Time:

Approx 3 to 3.5 hours Everyday from 09:00 AM to 12:30 PM and following two meditations:
16:15 – Kundlini Meditation (1 hr)
19:30 – Evening Celebration (1 hr)

• First Week – 7 days:

09:00 AM to 12:30 PM – All the laughter you need to unblock your blockages.
16:15 – Kundlini Meditation (1 hr)
19:30 – Evening Celebration (1 hr)

• Second Week – 7 days:

09:00 AM to 12:30 PM – All the tears you need to further unblock your blockages.
16:15 – Kundlini Meditation (1 hr)
19:30 – Evening Celebration (1 hr)

• Third Week – 7 days:

8 hours of silence – All the silence you need to go inside yourself.
16:15 – Kundlini Meditation (1 hr)
19:30 – Evening Celebration (1 hr)

Course Fees:

• Facilitated by: Swami Advaitananda and Team