#96 Remembering Past
Leaving concern for one’s body, remember the sight of a place, object or incident. The mind will be without support and one experiences a flood of Divinity.Verse 119, Vigyan Bhairava Tantra

The important thing to understand about this verse is that it makes us into a witness. It uses memory to make us a witness. When we are a witness we are not thinking, we are simply observing. When we are a witness, we no longer identify with the body or the ego – we identify with the soul. It is our soul that is a witness. In the state of awareness, a person is always a witness. We are usually aware of the present moment. In this verse, we are using our memory to become aware of a past place or incident. The principle is the same – one is aware, one is a witness. The difference here is that one is aware of the past. Practice this meditation sitting comfortably, and with eyes closed. Now remember a past place or incident. Choose something enjoyable. Use a memory that you are fond of. You may choose to remember something of your childhood. You may practice this in two ways. You may remember a past experience through your own eyes. In this way, you will relive or re-experience that incident from your original point of view. Or you may see it as an outsider. In this case, you will be like a third party, also observing yourself and all others involved in that incident.
Choose whichever method you find easier to practice. This is applicable only if you are remembering a past incident. If you are remembering a place, then you will remember it the way you originally saw it. Then the first method will be used . When you practice this, try and remember every small detail of what happened. If it is an incident from your childhood, relive every moment of it. If there were excited people around, try and capture the feeling of excitement present in the air. Relive the whole moment in its fullest detail. If it’s a place that you are remembering, particularly one that you are fond of, see it once again in detail. If there were mountains there, capture the majesty of the mountains, the freshness of the air. The mind will be without support and one experiences a flood of Divinity. When you are a witness, and you are observing or remembering your past, then you are no longer thinking. Without thoughts, the mind loses its support and disappears. After that, one experiences their Divine Nature. Remembering our past can be exhilarating, especially if it is of fond memories. When we come back to the present, we come back with a sense of happiness. Sometimes people keep remembering their past to escape something they do not like about their present lives. It could be a handicap they are suffering from, or a financial condition they are in. When you practice this meditation, your awareness will increase. This increased awareness will be used daily in your present life. With increased awareness there will be increased joy and happiness. You will then awaken to a wonderful new truth – all the joy and love you require is available inside you. Then, even though your external situation remains the same, you would have changed. You will live your life with a new sense of joy and happiness and freedom. The external world will no longer have any power over you. You will also understand the true meaning of salvation or freedom. To be free means to be independent – independent of the external world for our joy and happiness.