The Best Yoga Cards for a Quick Pose Refresher (Or Simple Sequencing)

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There are hundreds of contemporary yoga poses. In addition to the traditional asanas, creativity and evolution have resulted in a menu of postures so extensive, it can be difficult to recall them all. Yoga cards can help with that.

Like Tarot and oracle cards, yoga decks can be used for a sort of practice divination (aka a pose pulled at random) or to set the stage for your day. But yoga cards can also be used to learn and memorize poses and help you sequence your personal practice—or full-on class.

I recently took a bag filled with the below yoga decks to a yoga teacher training retreat. The trainees pored over the set of cards, each of us resonating with different styles of illustration and varied presentations of poses. My main takeaway was that, like art or even styles of yoga, choosing the right yoga cards for you comes down to preference and the way you see the world.

7 Decks of Yoga Cards for Perfecting Your Practice

From decks designed for sequencing to cards featuring poses meant to be pulled with the entire family, these yoga cards make your practice feel like play.

1. PlayPauseBe Yoga Deck

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(Photo: PlayPauseBe)

$40 at PlayPauseBe

PlayPauseBe has the yoga card market cornered. In addition to its core deck, the brand offers an Expansion Deck, another Asana Expansion Deck, a Chair Yoga Deck, a Mudra Deck, a Yin Yoga Deck (we’ll get to that later), and a classic Tarot deck.

But back to the original cards. PlayPauseBe’s Yoga Deck comes with 82 cards that are divided into nine pose categories (warm-up, seated, standing, etc.). The back of each card highlights the benefits of the pose, from heart opening to physical strengthening. You’ll also find the pose name, cues to help you come into the shape, intensity of the pose (denoted by a volume graphic), and an associated chakra.

Finally, PlayPauseBe is a deck that can actually be played. The deck’s rewind and fast-forward symbols, along with its numbering system, can help you to create a recommended sequence—one that you can adjust, build on, or flow with.

2. High Desert Yogi Build a Practice Yoga Deck

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(Photo: High Desert Yogi)

$40 at High Desert Yogi

Those looking for a minimalist deck that can be left out in the living room (or studio) to stylish effect should reach for High Desert Yogi’s black, white, and gold cards.

Each of the 60 pose cards features the pose name along with cues and suggested modifications. They’re supplemented by a meditation card, three breathing exercises, and five sequence layouts, along with a mini notebook to record your thoughts.

3. Zinsk Yoga Cards

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(Photo: Zinsk)

$29 at Amazon

Zinsk’s Yoga Cards are designed to offer inspiration for your home practice. The deck’s 70 pose cards feature diagrammed postures, difficulty level, cues, and modifications. You’ll also find icons representing pose category (seated, core, twist, etc.) and benefits (flexibility, mood boosting, and more).

Randomly select a few poses for an impromptu flow or choose one of Zinsk’s six preset sequences, listed both in the accompanying informational packet and through a key on the cards themselves. Finally, you can pull from the five double-sided intention cards to help direct your practice.

4. The Deck of Yoga

(Photo: Clarkson Potter)

$20 at Amazon

These yoga cards feature 50 poses pulled from Deepak Chopra’s Living in the Light. Each pose card comes with a written overview, cues, and helpful tips. Choose from one of the deck’s suggested sequences or pull a card for a quick drop-in between daily tasks.

5. PlayPauseBe Yin Yoga Deck

(Photo: PlayPauseBe)

$60 at PlayPauseBe

Fans of yin yoga will likely resonate with this offering from PlayPauseBe. The dreamy deck is all about warming up and slowing down through yin’s long, quiet holds.

Each of the 68 cards showcases a pose with benefits highlighted on the back. An accompanying booklet features extended cues, suggested modifications, and information around (and affirmations to support the opening of) each chakra.

6. Everyday Yoga Mini Kit

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(Photo: Everyday Yoga)

$13 at World Market

This lil kit is an on-the-go all-in-one. Open your Everyday Yoga Mini Kit to discover 50 pose cards, an informational booklet, and a small wooden stand to display your shape of the moment.

Each pose card is categorized by type (inversion, seated, etc.), a rating of 1 to 4 stars for difficulty, the body parts addressed, and includes a full translation breakdown of the Sanskrit name. As for your cues? You’ll find those in the tiny booklet.

7. Yoga Pretzels

(Photo: Barefoot Books)

$18 at Amazon

Cards mean play, and play means family time. Yoga Pretzels brings a little levity to the world of yoga decks, with sturdy, clear, and colorful cards designed to make yoga accessible for a younger set.

Of the 50 cards, the pose cards illustrate the final posture on the front, supplemented by illustrated cues—and self-inquiry questions—on the back. Additional activity cards lead players through games that make poses and practice even more fun.


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